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BrainScot Syrup

120.00 140.00

Key Points Improves memory and enhances recall Acts as nervine tonic Strikes Insomnia, anxiety and tension Mental development initiation in children Increase in concentration and intellect Increase in grasping power Ideal brain support supplement Perfect blend of ayurvedic herbs Offers enough energy throughout the day Part of an advanced range of health vitamins Improves brain memory power and cognition Made of natural herbs used for increasing the power and the brain capacity. Improves eyesight and focus Prevention of memory loss Eliminates weak intelligence Takes care of impaired speech and voice Improves aggressive nature It makes one sharp and mentally strong Boost’s concentration Takes care of hyperactivity, irritability, bed-wetting, stammering, etc in children. Benefits and Uses It boosts your memory power This syrup for memory boost diminishes mental fatigue issues All the depression issues are overcome by this This syrup stands above to improve your intelligence It balances the Vata and Kapha This syrup helps to improve your brain functioning. Best energizer for the brain cells as well as brain booster herb It is commonly used in ayurvedic medicine and helps in diminishing the ageing that is the consequence of memory loss It prevents lack of concentration, attention, prevents deficit & anxiety and supports intelligence & attention It enhances learning and builds a sharpened memory A memory booster that reduces forgetfulness It is neuroprotective, nervine stimulant, stress-reliever and natural anti-depressant It manages anxiety Acts as a concentration booster. It even initiates improvement of memory retention Enhances alertness, memory, and concentration span while working. It helps to strengthen the nerve tissues of the body Beneficial in case of sleeplessness, mental irritability, memory disturbances, delayed speech, depression. It is beneficial for learning problems, attention deficiency, anxiety, confusion, poor memory as well as disturbed sleeping cycle. Key Ingredients Shankh Pushpi: Cerebral tonic and mood elevator Ashwagandha: A Nerve tonic that reduces mental stress Jatamansi: Relieves mental stress Khurasani Azwain: Relieves anxiety, agitation, uneasiness and insomnia Why BrainScot Memory Booster Syrup Leads the Rest? ScotBeauty introduces natural brain boosting supplement called BrainScot. It is an incredible medicine to hone the memory and upgrade the cerebrum working. Moreover, BrainScot includes effective brain health supplements for the support of memory improvement. It contains ayurvedic herbs for memory that boosts the same, increases concentration and relieves stress and anxiety. This herbal memory medicine is purely natural and herbal that gives sharp memory. The ayurvedic herbs present in it has adaptogenic, memory stimulant, antistress, immunostimulant, revitalizing & rejuvenating properties. It improves concentration and removes exhaustion. This product is useable by people of all ages and genders. Dosage BrainScot Memory Enhancer Syrup is to be taken as directed by the physician.